
Hello Guys, Welcome to our site and we have a total of 10 Trackers including a Pin Tracker! and also Im planning on getting more trackers for our site. This blog has reacently been started with today being the 25th Decemeber 2010. This is your non stop site for Trackers, Spoilers and more.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

U Lie Cheat

Hello Guys im Zing King To and today I was on the server Snow Day and one of the penguins reported that he had meet Rockhopper however i thought he was lying so I proved it by cheaking his stamp book. I looked under events and saw he had no charecter stamps meaning he hadnt meet rockhopper!

Here is the step by step guide on doing what i did.

Step 1 - Log Onto Club Penguin

Step 2 - Find A Penguin Saying He Meet Rockhopper

Step 3 - Click On His Player Card

Step 4 - Go To His Stamp Book

Step 5 - Go To Events

Step 6 - Go To Charecters

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