
Hello Guys, Welcome to our site and we have a total of 10 Trackers including a Pin Tracker! and also Im planning on getting more trackers for our site. This blog has reacently been started with today being the 25th Decemeber 2010. This is your non stop site for Trackers, Spoilers and more.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Im Working On Club Penguin Storys

I Cant Tell You When This Book Will Be Out, However What I Can Do Is Say It Will Be Here Some Time In 2011. If You Want A Story Of Yours To Be Feachered In This Book Comment Below. I Dont Mean A Story Like 5 Sentances I Mean A Real One. However Kind Of Short With About 2+ Paragraphs Mayby However If You Start A Story With About 5 Lines If I Like It I Will Finish It Off And Then Add It.

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